How to use

  1. To create a new account, select 'register now'. Or 'log in now' if you already have an account.
  2. If you create a new account, you are required to verify your email address before you can log in. You will receive an email with instructions.
  3. Login and create a permit. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your permit.
  4. If you had an account in the old system you will need to reset your password in order to login.
  5. Got more questions? See the FAQ

Get Started

Already registered? log in now

Want to register? register now

Please note: This online system is for City of Lakewood-registered RVs, and trailers only. For non-City of Lakewood registered vehicles, please come into City Hall during business hours to obtain an out of town parking permit. Call (562) 866-9771 x2140 for more information.

Online permits are issued 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Permits are valid from the time they are generated until 11:59 p.m. that day.

You can also apply for a permit by phone at (562) 866-9771 x2140 or in person during normal business hours.

Even with an on-street parking permit, RV and trailer owners are still required to adhere to all other city regulations, including keeping the vehicle's registration current and having the vehicle registered to a valid City of Lakewood address. Otherwise, the permit may be revoked.

All vehicles must be moved during street sweeping, including RVs and trailers with a valid parking permit.